eDirectory v11.5, released in early November 2018, is our most recent platform upgrade, filled with great new features and some performance improvements.
What’s new on eDirectory v11.5?
This release brings 15 new front-end and back-end items as it follows:
1. New fully customizable Cards widgets available for all themes.
- Previous widgets such as “Featured listings”, “Popular events”, among others, were replaced by cards widgets.
- Each widget can be fully customized, including:
- Ability to change the widget title and the label of the “view more” link;
- Ability to select the module that will be displayed on the widget;
- Show items from a specific level, categories or location;
- Ability to choose the order criteria;
- Ability to pick items individually.
- Layout for the widget “5 featured listings” updated and available for all modules.

Define the content and display rules for your new widget…

… or handpick the items you want to be featured in your new widget!
2. New widget “Video Gallery” available for all themes.
3. Two new lead generation forms widgets available for all themes.
- a. Lead form with static background image
- b. Lead form with background slider
4. New layout for the article detail widget, including the ability to upload the author image and description available for all themes. See an example here.
5. New layout for the blog detail widget available for all themes.
6. New widget “Recent Articles in two columns” for the Article home page.
7. New widget “2 columns recent posts” for the Blog home page.
8. Added ability for the site manager change the labels of each location level.
9. New interface to manage the navigation menus and links for slides, including easier flow to link menus to custom pages, internal or external URLs.
10. Added new field to include a summary description for videos on the listings, events and classifieds form.
11. The layout of the Default theme rehashed to standardize spacings, margins and navigation structure, including the responsive version.
12. Added ability for the site manager to change the placeholders of the search box widgets.
13. Support to PHP 7.1.
14. New Gulp file to manage, compile and minimize less/sass files on development mode.
15. New layout for the “site unavailable” screen.
Other changes on eDirectory v11.5
- Structured markup data on articles and blog detail pages updated to include the tags author and publisher
- Facebook moderation tool updated to allow the site manager to moderate Facebook comments directly from the directory
- Form to submit new reviews simplified when the user is already logged in
- PHPMailer fully replaced by SwiftMailer
Read the full list of 100+ enhancements of eDirectory v11.5 here.
Upgrade to the latest version of eDirectory today!
For active clients looking to take advantage of the latest and greatest eDirectory.com has to offer, simply fill out the Upgrade request form found here or contact your account executive.
For new clients looking to launch their online Enterprise with all you see here and much more, please request a demo here, or call us directly at +1-800-630-4694, or send an email to sales@eDirectory.com.