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About Us

Learn more about the team behind eDirectory including who we are and what we do.

About Us

We are passionate about building beautiful directory based websites and apps. Since 2003, we have helped more than 3500 customers in 68 countries launch leading Buyer’s Guides, Local Search Sites, Product Directories, Yellow Page sites, and other online directory style sites and apps.

We believe in great design and take pride in creating wonderful user experiences to help your business eliminate the clutter and increase traffic to your website.

Contact us today to learn more about eDirectory solutions.

Meet Our Team

James Chubb, CEO
James Chubb

Our illustrious leader and general task master. He maintains the vision and helps us grow.

Daniel Talon, Operation Director
Daniel Talon

Our Director of Operations. If it moves, breathes, needs attention, or needs planning - he’s our guy.

Ruth Cara, Custom Manager
Ruth Lara Godoy

Ruth is responsible for the services department, ensuring that our clients meet their goals through our customization for web and mobile.

Fernando Gomes, Basecode Manager
Fernando Gomes

Fernando is the hard charging scrum master and technical expert who leads our eDirectory product team.

eDirectory Team

We are talented people and we love what we do. Our team is made up of software engineers, analysts, interface design and quality assurance experts, whose goal is to learn about your business and add value to it.

Arca Team
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