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Listing Template Editor

A powerful and flexible editor to create the look and feel you want for your advertisers and that wow your users.

Create exclusive design templates for each category on your site.

With our visual Listing Template Editor you can add multiple tabs and unlimited custom fields to create not just business listings but job listings, car listings, people listings, real estate listings, whatever you can imagine.

Summary cards

Choose from 11 options of summary views. These cards were designed to meet different proposals and different needs.

Unlimited Custom Fields

Create fields to match exactly the niche and industry your targeting. Each new custom field will be a widget in your template.

Drag and drop widgets

Be in control with the Listing Template Editor. Drag, drop, and save the elements in the order you want them to appear!

Multiple tabs

Create as many tabs as you need to better organize the content displayed on the listing detail page. Not a fan of tabs? No problem! You can use just a simple page with all the information in line.

Easily edit the sidebar

Place any widget on the sidebar and get more control over the design of your pages. No sidebar? Totally possible! Easily delete or move the widgets to the main page and get rid of the sidebar.

Additional Price

Sometimes a category is worth more than others. With a simple adjustment, you can charge an additional price for a specific template and generate extra revenue.

Associated Listings

Easily associate other listings to one specific page. For example, if you are listing a Medical Clinic and want to highlight its professional’s profiles, with a few clicks, you can add the Associated Listings Widget on the page and display these profiles in an associated way.

Related Listings

This is a great way to keep your users exploring your content and spend more time on your site. Simply add the Related Listings widget on the template and customize the rules to display rich content.

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