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Digital Resources

Download our digital resources and market your eDirectory to your customers or check out some of the more in-depth eDirectory features at your leisure.

Digital Resources for Online Directories

Claim Your Listing - email templates

The "Claim your Listing" is a powerful native feature to drive engagement and sales. Using this tool, you can create a listing for a business that will later be contacted and asked to claim and pay for the listing. Use these email outreach templates and launch your email marketing strategy..

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Editor's Review Award - email template

Engage with your audience by promoting an Editor's Choice Award contest. This is a great conversation starter to drive users back to your online directory while creating a selection of your best listings.

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QR Code - Sticker Template

A QR Code is an image that can be read through Smartphone's camera and leads to a web address. Use this template to create your sticker, adding them to your advertiser's storefronts. It helps to increase the awareness around your project, driving more organic traffic to your site.

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Badges - multipurpose

Badges are validation icons that you can apply to a Listing, serving different purposes, it helps your users to identify awards, skills, reputation, status, groups, and whatever else you can imagine that fits your project. Download this starter kit and add more resources to your listings.

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Media Kit - Marketing Presentation & Sales Pitch

This media kit makes selling sponsorships and advertising easier than ever. We've highlighted all of the different advertising opportunities throughout your site, and listed the benefits of each. This is a great way to communicate the value of your site to potential advertisers.

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Social Media Cheat Sheet

Having your brand correctly displayed on all social media channels is very important for your online reputation. Here are the optimal, updated social media sizes for visual content.

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