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Join Live Webinar: Use the eDirectory Banner Ads System to Generate Revenue


Engage your audience with a comprehensive publishing system for articles. Articles are attached automatically to the author, making them highly indexable, searchable and SEO friendly. This generates extra traffic to your site.

Pens to Papers, own a complete full featured Article Directory

Authors, articles, images, and linking is all here. Everything you need to let your users publish their own articles directly to your site.

eDirectory - Articles Module

Beautiful Visual Design

Beautifully designed article pages give your publication a professional image. Add a photo gallery to your article to engage readers and drive page views.

Engage the Readers

Users can comment on articles via the built-in Commenting Module or by using Facebook comments. Allow the discussion to build engagement amongst readers.

User Generated Content

Allow your sponsors to write articles, which saves you time and money. You can edit and approve these prior to going live and can even set a price for the sponsor.

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