Deals & Offers
Blogging System
Banner Advertisements
- Membership Features
Package Builder
- Marketplace Feature
Photo Galleries
Bookmarking System
Multi-site Management
iPhone / Android Apps
Chat GPT - Artificial Intelligence
SEO Awesome
Analytics & Reporting
Search & Filters
Lead Generation
Payment Gateways
Email Notifications
Integrated Mapping
Socially Integrated
Site Management
User Backend
Sponsor Backend
Awesome Support
Technology Stack
System Requirements
Source Access
Widget-based Page Editor
Open API
Drive Engagement with Bookmarking
The integrated Bookmarking System allows visitors to save their favorites, making your site a destination.

Build your User base
When a user attempts to bookmark a favorite for the first time, it prompts them to create a visitor account, building your user base and your newsletter list at the same time.
Profile View
Bookmarks are saved with the visitor's profile, making them easy to see all in one place
Bookmark Anything
Whether they want to save their favorite listings, a classified, a blog post, or an event, it's easy. All the content in the system includes the bookmark feature.