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Complete Source Access

Owned license holders get automatic access to the complete eDirectory source code, customize eDirectory any way you like. Make something awesome? Let us know!

Source Code Access
Build as you go, as it were

For purchasers of the ’Source License’, we include complete access to all the code that powers eDirectory. It’s yours to modify in any way you choose.

eDirectory Source Code Access

Build It Yourself

Complete access to the source code of eDirectory. We'll open up our code for you, delve in and see how we put it all together. You can edit, rewrite, or add what whatever you need.

Code Anything

You're not limited to what you can integrate with the eDirectory source. It's pretty much pure PHP, so if you're developers are knowledgeable, they can add any functionality you require.

Future Proof

Owning the source provides you with the peace of mind that comes from building your own directory. Companies requiring huge amounts of customization, or with complicated systems enjoy the freedom that owning gives them.

Built With Bootstrap

eDirectory’s front-end was built with the Bootstrap framework, making coding easy and saving you time.


eDirectory’s front-end themes use the CSS grid framework SASS, which makes coding responsive designs fast and easy.

Multi-lingual Support

If you are developing an international site that needs to support multiple languages, we have you covered. eDirectory’s language files are easy to edit, making adding or changing text a breeze.

*A little more information about Source Access

The eDirectory Source Edition has a very small percentage of the code obfuscated to control licensing. However these files are not in sections that would typically be edited while customizing a site.

Due to the licensing and complexity around the technology that builds the mobile apps from the Site Manager interface, we are not able to offer source iOS or Android code. If you need to make iOS or Android code modifications that cannot be done using the Admin Interface. Please contact our sales team to discuss alternatives.

World-Class Cloud Hosting provides limited access via FTP only. All Dedicated Hosting Plans include access to files and data base via SSH and SFTP. Standard eDirectory Hosting does not include cPanel access but if you need you can sign up for a plan at in addition to the current hosting rates.

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