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Partner FAQ

Everything you ever wanted to know about our Partner program

What is your Partner Program?

The eDirectory Partner Program is a process that has been set up to reward you for directing customers to us. When a customer you refer completes a purchase, we provide them with a significant discount or pay you a commission - Its up to you what to do with the savings.

What is a qualified sale?

A sale that qualifies for Partner commissions is any that involves a new customer that pays for an eDirectory Cloud Service software subscription or eDirectory Source License software purchase.
The sales of eDirectory Custom Development services and hosting services do not qualify for the Partner Program.

How much do Partners earn for each sale?

Partners receive a 15% discount or commission on every Source License sold or a *10% discount or commission on every Annual Cloud Service License sold. (*10% of the first 3 months of a monthly cloud service subscription or 10% of the first year's Annual Subscription price for customers electing to purchase discounted, yearly subscriptions.)
Source License Example: Customer purchases an Enterprise Source License ($2999) with 5 add-on sites ($399 each) plus the Annual Support Contract ($399). Based on the customer’s total purchase amount of $4893, the Partner’s discount or commission would be $733.95: 15% of the total purchase.
Cloud Service License Example: Customer purchases a Professional Cloud Service License for $149/month with 5 add-on sites ($45/month per add on site). The Partner’s commission is 10% of the first 3 months of the total monthly subscription ($1122 value) for a Partner discount or commission of $112.20.

Does it cost anything to participate?

Nope, the Program is completely free to join and participate in.

Can people who live outside the U.S. be eligible for the Partner Program?

Yes, we welcome applications to our program from most countries.

How does your Partner Program work?

Partner are given a unique code that represents their account. This code will be entered during the online ordering process or given to a sales representative if ordering over the phone. This code lets us know whom you referred and how much discount or commission will be given, allowing us make payments accordingly.

How long will it take for me to get paid after I choose to receive a commission?

Commission payments will be made on the first of each month for sales earned the previous month. Your first commission check will be paid upon completion of your second sale.

What happens if a customer I referred gets a refund on their purchase?

If a customer you referred received a refund or if a credit card charge is reversed due to a dispute or fraud, your account will be debited the amount of commission earned by the refunded transaction.

What if I have additional questions?

Please send any additional questions or concerns to